Large Old Cucumber | FoodyFlair Finds

I was walking around the Supermarket in Singapore and I am always looking for new and interesting fruit and veggies to try. I came across a large brown marbled cucumber and the label read ‘Cucumber Yellow Msia. It was heavy too weighing almost 1 Kg. I had to buy purchase it and see how it was.

It turns out the most common name for it is ‘Old Cucumber’. That is simply what it is a mature cucumber. As the cucumber matures it loses its green skin and turns into a brown color. This vegetable is commonly used in soups in the summertime. It is known in herbal Chinese medicine as a ‘yin’ or a cooling agent to counteract the heat in our bodies for those humid summer days here in Singapore.

The old cucumber’s taste is bland and bitter allowing it to be flavored in soups. To eat the cucumber cut in half long ways and remove the seeds since they are tough and fibrous. Then cut into slices with leaving the skin on. Add it to your favorite soup recipe and let’s simmer our way into adding the yin to our yang!  


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